The Lotus

I’m in such a hurry
to reach my destination,
that, sometimes, I forget
to smell the flowers
on my path!

Deep in the muddy
swamp of my thoughts,
hidden by briars,
blooms an exquisite,
lotus flower.

It’s perfume calls to me,
“take off your clothes,
dive in and wash away
the dust of the road,
that is not the road!”

Everything I think I know,
conceals the truth!
Only innocence and wonder
have the power to open
my jaded eyes.

And still, I scratch at the dust,
trying to make sense of it all,
instead of lifting my head,
and enjoying the glory
of being alive.

Yes, but! — tomorrow!
Forget it, there is only now.
So, let the perfume fill
my nostrils as I stop,
just where I am.

By the time I’m ready,
the season will have changed,
the lotus wilted
and the swamp —
iced over.

It’s no good crying for
what might have been,
or blaming another
for choices they make,
the lotus is there for all.

Hurry now and let go,
dive in deep, naked,
as on the day of my birth,
does that not feel better,

Oh! and while I’m at it,
Don’t forget to breathe!
That’s all! Having let go
of all judgements, there is
only perfume to inhale.

©️ Tricia Heriz-Smith

Taking the road less travelled

What is the road less travelled?
As I wake this new morning
the way stretches out ahead
familiar and well trodden,
without expected crossings.

For I have forged this path,
beaten back the briars and
cut away the impeding branches,
built bridges over tumbling streams
and mapped my destination.

Yet, as I wake this morning,
little things are different
and faint tracks lead away
into the undergrowth
that hedges in my mind.

A soft cry calls to me wordless
from the fringes of my heart,
and tempts me to step aside,
to recognize there is another way
on the road less travelled.

An unfamiliar road, unpaved,
through surprise connections made,
helping hands given, judgements withheld,
travelled with an open heart and hand
into an unmapped and magical world.


Stepping Stones

I wake each morning
to begin again,
to dance across
these stones,
set just so,
that seem to lead
to the other bank
where willow fronds
trail fingers in the brook
and shadowy forms glide
beneath peat clear waters.

I wake to begin again
each step new
and yet familiar
at this fording
lit by the morning sun
sparkling promises
and carolled by
warblers and weavers
busy celebrating
and creating.

I wake, sometimes at night,
and the silvery moon
shines a beckoning ribbon
of enticement
that kisses the wet stones
in invitation
so that the far bank
appears within a stride
or two.

I wake, as from a dream,
to start again,
and take each step
that crosses the waters
of oblivion,
the deep unconscious,
between me and
Your outstretched hand.

26 June 2021


Image: ©️ John Patrick Flood

Since the beginning of time
I have wandered this planet
moving across its wide spaces
with my seasons’ changes,
finding home in connections
beside the hearth of strangers,
for a short while of succour,
of storytelling and feasting,
before moving on like the wind
to find a new resting place.
Leaving behind memories,
vague flickering images
on the wall of the cave
that danced in the firelight
and faded with dawn.
The path that I wander
stretches over distant ridges
and unfamiliar valleys
into unknown places,
whose silent call
I hear, deep in my bones,
to which my feet respond,
whether I will or not.

This day, I bless you,
for accompanying me
along this lonely stretch
as our paths run parallel
for this brief while.

23 April 2021

The Avenue

Sometimes it is hard
to know where you are going –
even with a clear path

Lightness at the end
invites curiosity –
will you walk this way?

Or meander free
face turned upward to the sky
feet kicking up leaves?

22 March 2021
©️ John Flood

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